Xinyu (Henry) Li

Chinese:李昕宇 Researcher AIML Previously: UoN, HUST, Galixir


I am a Postdoctroal Research Fellow at the Austraian Institute for Machine Learning, The University of Adelaide, collaborated with Prof Javen Shi and Prof Shizhang Qiao. I work in the interdisciplinary area of machine learning and computational chemistry, and have gained valuable experience in utilizing them for the purpose of renewable-energy materials discovery and drug discovery.

Before joining this position, I completed my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Newcastle, Australia. During my doctoral studies, I had the privilege of being supervised by Prof Alister Page and A/Prof Raymond Chiong. Prior to that, I completed my Master’s degree in Renewable Energy at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, under the guidance of Prof Jian Li and Prof Lichao Jia. I also gained industry experience as an algorithm intern at Galixir Technology.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing with my son and taking part in outdoor activities with friends.